
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

You Are Mine and Cute & Sweet

I can't even tell you the last time I shared a layout.  Over the past year or so I have been using this blog as a way to document my pregnancy... and my wonderful baby girl that was born in December.  Of course, I still plan to do updates of Amelia and our family life, but I want to get back into blogging in the scrapbook world.

With that comes scrapbooking again!  A newborn and young baby is a lot of work and just did not even leave time to scrapbook.  Amelia is now over 7 months old and I have time to sit down and complete layouts -- super exciting!  It may not always been long periods of time at once, but any time is good time!  Amelia is so great about entertaining herself.  I just put her down on the blanket in the living room right next to my scrap space and she plays away.  I sure love that girl.

I am just LOVING the cut files made by Ashley Horton and The Cut Shoppe.  It seems I haven't been able to do a layout without one.

For this layout I used a sweet picture of me and my 2 week old baby girl on New Years Eve.  I used the Sweet Hearts cut file from The Cut Shoppe to get those neat string art hearts.  I wanted to continue the string art look so I did so with embroidery floss to make "mine."  After starting the "m" I realized I should have split the floss in half so it wasn't so think, but it still turned out well.

I LOVE Valentine's Day collections.  Not because I love Valentine's Day, but I LOVE hearts.  And I love pink.  And I had a baby girl -- so I can use all the hearts and pink that I want to!  I used the Candy Hearts cut file from The Cut Shoppe for this layout.  These photos were taken on Amelia's first Valentine's Day in her cute little heart outfit.  I love this ombre paper and those sweet heart balloons.

Stay tuned for more!  Thanks for looking!

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