My last appointment took place last Tuesday and it went well. Blood pressure is still right on track, baby sounds great, and she is measuring how she is supposed to. I lost almost 2 pounds since my last visit making my total weight gain only 15 pounds. I am hoping to come out of this pregnancy gaining less than 20 pounds! The doctor said I very well could as you don't tend to gain much more at this point in the game. It was confirmed by a quick ultrasound that baby girl is in fact head down. I am not dilated or effaced yet, but the doctor was able to feel her head right there. Things could change at any moment. My next appointment isn't until Thursday, so we will see what happens!
Ryan and I were able to make it down to Rochester on Wednesday to see my mom after her brain surgery. I am so thankful that baby girl hadn't arrived yet or didn't think she needed to arrive while we were there! My mom's surgery went as well as it could go! She had an MRI two days after surgery that came back showing that the entire tumor was removed. She is doing very well and was discharged to home from Mayo today. We are SO SO SO proud of her. The courage and braveness that you have to have to go through something like this is outrageous -- and she has it! I had a little freak out moment in the shower yesterday thinking about labor and being scared and I immediately stopped and thought, "What do I have to be afraid of?! Look what mom just went through!" She is an inspiration. She is my hero. I love you mom! Now baby girl just needs to give her at least a week or so to rest up so that she can meet her when she arrives!
37 weeks in front of mom and dad's Christmas tree!
Overall, I am feeling pretty good. I am really starting to slow down and things like putting on my shoes, bending over, rolling over, getting up out of chairs and out of bed, etc. are getting harder by the day. On Thanksgiving night I got out of the shower to find that my feet were swollen for the first time! Yikes! I hadn't even been standing on them all day! Turns out that those dorky socks that I have been wearing everyday work! I hadn't worn them for two days and it showed! I am sleeping well at night despite having to get up 3-4 times to pee. I fall back to sleep very easily. I also have issues with reflux during the night and have to take at least one Tums every night. Ryan is a little annoyed with me because my snoring has gotten progressively worse the further along I have gotten in the pregnancy. Sorry dear!
Baby moves all of the time and lots of the time I need to lean back so that she has more room! She is all up in my business, but I am sure she thinks I am not giving her enough room! I keep telling Ryan it will be so weird when she isn't in my belly anymore. I am so used to all her movements and jabs. It is such a wonderful feeling. I even feel her hiccups at least once a day. So exciting!
Now a little bit about this guy! I can't even begin to say how wonderful he is. Many of you know how overwhelming being pregnant can be sometimes and he has made it so much easier. I am so thankful for all the wonderful things he has done and how helpful he has been getting ready for this beautiful baby girl. Over the course of this pregnancy we have painted 3 rooms in our house, laid hardwood flooring, changed light fixtures and water faucets, among many other things and the work he has put in has been phenomenal. Early in the fall we deep cleaned our entire house and HE helped me. Some of his guy friends told him he was crazy for doing it. I told him he was exceptional. The baby's room looks the way it does because of him! He put up Christmas lights outside for me and helped me put up my Christmas tree. He has put together all of baby's gear and attended 5 childbirth classes with me. He has comforted me when I've been scared (especially with all of my mom's stuff) and he has told me that I am going to be a good mom when I doubt myself. I am so thankful for him and I am so excited to see him with our new baby girl. If you know Ryan and how good he is with kids, you know that he is going to be an excellent father. My baby girl is going to be so lucky, just like me. I can't thank you enough Ryan. I love you!
38 weeks in front of our Christmas tree!
Stay tuned for updates! It is hard to believe she could make her appearance any day. Please continue to send prayers for my mom. She has a long recovery ahead of her and needs to take it day by day. If she is anything like me, she has a hard time taking it easy and that is what she needs to do! Also pray that we have a safe labor and delivery with a very healthy baby. Thank you so much!